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PMI Starter Grower 50lb

SKU: 883576010914

In Stock

Starter/Grower 20%
Complete feed for starting and growing chickens, ducks and geese.
Complete feed for growing meat chickens and turkeys.

Laying Chickens:
Feed from hatch to 18 weeks or first egg. At 18 weeks or first egg, begin to feed layer feed.

Broiler Chickens:
Feed from hatch until birds reach arket weight.

Ducks and Geese:
Feed from hatch until birds reach market weight. If ducks and geese are intended for egg laying, then switch them to layer feed between 24 and 26 weeks or whenever the first egg is laid. Male ducks and geese should remain on starteer/grower for their entire life.

Transition turkeys from their starter feed to the starter/grower feed between 8 and 10 weeks of age.
Provide freash clean water at all times.

Store in a dry, well ventalated area protected from rodents and insects.


113 in stock

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50 LB


PMI Nutrition